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Black store owners call police and crinals leave while store owners assumed criminals. Doubt the reverse has happened.

gigihein 8 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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If you are one of those white people who think racism is a relic from the past, then this is the evidence that we are still living with racism NOW. When a black store owner is arrested like this, it's an outrage. When the Death Penalty is applied disproportionately to Black people it's an atrocity. The trouble is that most White people don't seem to care. They say they do and then nothing is done to change the system.

I'd like to see the cops body cams onthis one


This is the second video I've seen recently of black store owners calling cops to help them and the cops instead harm them.

Defund the police


A KKK cop free-for-all.


Arrest the owner let the crooks rob the store. That is what I learned one does to be a responsible cop. Vote Lawn and Order. I will take fries with that.

The world is fracking upside down. Have to vote out the asses who are complacent to corruption or corrupt.



bobwjr Level 10 June 25, 2020

It is my thoughts every time I see the next cluster frack in the Whitehouse and the ones that are supposed to police the white house.


Kick ass first, take name later. Shootem' all,let God sort them out. Our police mindset today.

t1nick Level 8 June 25, 2020
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