If virtue-signaling is offensive because of its ulterior motive, what equally self-serving reaction should we expect from the culture when virtue-signaling is thoroughly exposed? Vice-signaling? Embracing the Jungian shadow? Flaunting it?
Even though there is, I feel, a legitimate core of concern for others at the heart of political correctness for example, we can always depend on Homo sapiens to take it to absurd extremes.
So when virtue-signaling-awareness finally reaches cultural saturation, will we then have to suffer a backlash of overbearing authenticity? Or has that domain already been thoroughly exploited and owned by social media?
I'm not sure that virtue signaling is offensive, but is a deception, and at least highlights causes others can contribute to, even if the virtue signaler isn't always that charitable. The awareness of this particular habit of some just sheds light on a personality aspect, which is good to know about someone, but can also be understood an espression of low self esteem or insecurity, just human flaws, which can be observed and forgiven. It's pretty rare that all of us are as virtuous as we would like others to think we are.
It depends who the actor is socializing with. Forgive my torturing of a colloquialism but different strokes for different folks applies here.
Yes, yes, no and maybe. But I agree on that and disagree with the other..........Did I answer your question?