Interesting, I'm more of the rabbits as pests than I am as livestock or food, but if this continues, we might end up with no rabbits. The world is pretty messed up.
" rabbits as pests than I am as livestock or food"
Interesting analogy. Right now I have a bunny in my back yard that I think is sitting on her nest. I have very mixed feelings, she has been decimating my garden for weeks. I don't need more bunnies, and I do want the basil plants I am trying to grow. The cilantro was eaten to the dirt, was was the chamomile. Now, if mama bunny is still there on Friday, do I cancel my lawn guys? I am sure that ride on mower will just suck those babies up. What to do...
@FearlessFly Thank you! I was sprinkling the plants with Cayenne and chili peppers, it seemed to help, but I can't always get out right after a rain to replace it. The plant in the pot on the deck has not been touched, so I think I know what I am doing next year, and it is more convenient to the kitchen. I was considering some type of fencing, but I'm not sure I want to go to that expense.