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Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine trial to restart


WilliamFleming 8 June 30

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I just learned about the surgisphere data issues the other day. I think the company also had done the retrospective study that cast invermectin in a positive light, so now that too looks questionable. I wonder how much scrutiny all of his previous work will get now. It's a very bizarre story.


Trump or no Trump, if it works as a prophylactic, it works.
That'd be great.
Like the virus itself, there is no political angle here.


Why ?

bobwjr Level 10 June 30, 2020

Read the article.

Because it's a right wing talking point. They may be doing clinical trials on it in UK and that's fine. This is not a breakthrough. It may be useful taken with Zinc or other medications but this is not promising. It's a good drug, in US mostly for lupus and for malaria. Now there's a shortage of it for needy people because morons are hoarding it, because a moron in Washington told them to. Trump touted this drug because he's a snake oil salesman and his minions get mad when the studies show it has no efficacy for Sars-2. This study will probably show that as well. if it's a double blind study with placebo, HCQ w/zinc, w/o zinc, zinc by itself. Otherwise this is complete bullshit .

@barjoe exactly what I thought


It's not a cure. It might help to treat Covid-19. It's not being used and they are getting better at treating Sars-2. I read that for patients oxygen deprived facing intubation,, immunization specialist observed that symptoms mirrored severe asthmatic attacks. They tried adrenaline with limited success. They tried Prednisone with slightly better success. Tried stronger corticosteroid, Dexamethasone. Have cut deaths from intubation in half. Hydroxychloroquine had been tested more than you think without evidence of efficacy. Now they are trying it with Zinc. It's a waste of resources.

barjoe Level 9 June 30, 2020

It was tested on those already in hospitals. It was touted for months by doctors around the world as a treatment for EARLY stages of the disease. No one ever claimed that it would cure advanced cases

I guess we’ll finally find out after an unconscionable or even criminal delay whether it helps.

We did w zinc already back in April and early May . Cardiac arrhythmias and elevated QTS s and we coded more than 6 people while on it . We don’t give that anymore . Done ! And eww 🤢


This study is looking at preventative potential, not treatment as the previous studies were. Hopefully we'll see better results on this side.

Yes, I hope so. Doctors around the world have reported positive results when used in the early stages of the disease, especially when taken with zinc.

Here’s hoping

Prophylactic use for Covid-19. It won't stop infection. It doesn't work for that. It may be a good early treatment but the studies haven't been done. One thing Donald Trump accomplished by touting a drug and worse yet, procuring huge quantities. They've created a severe shortages of Plaquenil for people with Lupus.

@WilliamFleming as I understand it, zinc is a viable transport molecule that helps get the door open to the virus so that chloroquine can get in. Chloroquine seems to stop viral replication once in the door. If they can figure out a working delivery system, it could become quite effective. Still, lots of time to do the necessary research but seems this isn't going away anytime soon, so there's that.

@barjoe Much valuable time was squandered by politically motivated asses whose only goal in life was to prove Trump wrong. It should be criminal.

Doctors around the world were begging for tests long before Trump said anything about it.

For the umpteenth time: THIS IS NOT ABOUT DONALD TRUMP.

@WilliamFleming No. The politically motivated ass is Donald Trump. This shit don't work. Get it? They squandered time and money not provided adequate testing and quarantining infected people. Other countries did that and now they've flattened the curve. Now our country is totally screwed and people are still wasting time on Plaquenil. It doesn't WORK for Covid-19! SMH

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