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I usually never post Chump stuff - there’s enough of that around - but this pshop masterpiece deserves a place in the history books.

skado 9 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Awesome work by someone! Thanks for posting this!


I wish I could afford to put that on a Billboard in Oklahoma.


Problem is ..even the dumb ones ‘got it.’ It’s about our Supreme Court, and we’ve lost…

Varn Level 8 July 2, 2020

I noticed you tend to stay out of the fray. I'd seen this meme before, it was your stating, I quote - "but this pshop masterpiece deserves a place in the history books." that made me really LMAO.


How long before some one puts a swastika on the bible.


He has been nothing but an utter blight on the human race.

I wish I could believe that America will have learned something from this mistake, but something tells me it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

@skado Something tells me you're right. Sigh.

@skado We must take back the senate because he will probably be re elected. If we own the senate hes toast.

@Lorajay I was glad to see McGrath take the dem nomination against Moscow Mitch. Much as I like Booker the centrist would not have voted for him. Hell, they may not vote for her but she's middle of the road enough I think she has a chance. Last poll showed her polling one percent ahead of MM.


If the upside, down anonymous book wasn't proof enough the amended message board makes it clear what he really stands for: indulging himself.

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