Beverly russo
poor mistreated baby trump. The world is against you...
~it doesn't matter that you had epstein killed by barr
arranging it. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you let over 3 thousand puerto
ricans die without help. But poor mistreated trumpy baby... It doesn't matter that he trampled the rights of the native american people & all other people who are not white. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you locked up children in cages
& they are being raped, mistreated, starved & unable to
wash or even brush their teeth. These children will be damaged for life. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you have tortured the daca
population. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you are taking funds away from
small businesses & giving it to your wealthiest supporters,
to yourself & your demented children during a pandemic. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you created laws that benefit you. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you are in bed with the cruelest &
most destructive dictators in the world to benefit
yourself & your family. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you allow putin to kill american
soldiers to repay your own personal debt. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you abuse, mistreat, intimidate,
manipulate, have temper tantrums & steal & lie & have
destroyed peoples lives. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you use the seat of an american
president to rule & regulate like hitler. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you are solely responsible for
mishandling the carona plague crisis & allowing
thousands of people to die. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you directed that shipments of
masks & life saving equiptment be highjacked before
they get to the different states that need them so you
can sell them to your favored states. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you had the 2016 election rigged
by putin which is how you won your seat. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you had barr falsify the mueller
report to get you out of trouble. But poor mistreated trumpy baby... It doesn't matter that you had moscow mitch get you off
from being impeached when you clearly were guilty of
a quid pro quo with ukraine. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you are removing all the law &
order administrators who won't make decisions in
your favor even when your acts are criminal. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is sending our stolen
supplies, instructed by your orders, to putin for his
country & depriving america so americans can die. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you removed any help for the
environment & the world as we know it is being destroyed
forever. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is trying to dismember our
national parks protection to allow wild animals to be
slaughtered (by his sons & friends for their own personal
safari) and the land to be sold to oil companies. (so
trump can get pay off in his own pocket. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is dropping regulations for
the benefit of dictators around the world to enrich
himself. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is trying to cripple america
for putin because putin has trump in his vice of debt. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is playing up to the criminals
of the world to get their loyalty in case he wants to
create a revolution & needs them to start murdering the
opposition. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump has pretend bone spurs. He hates anyone in the military & will do everything he
can to discredit them (even generals) & murder them. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that trump is taking property away
from lifetime estates & enterprises by eminant domain to
build a wall we don't need. He wants this wall to be a monument to him throughout
history like the china wall is to china. Or better still, a wall to keep americans prisoner like
north korea. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you rape women & children &
they are scarred for life. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~it doesn't matter that you lie like a banche about
everything to get your spoiled brat way to benefit you. But poor mistreated trumpy baby... It doesn't matter that you are using your power in the
wh office as a demolition ball to democracy. But poor mistreated trumpy baby...
~trump is the sickest, cruelest, most sadistic individual
recorded in modern history & his diseased mind goes on. He puts hannibal lector, dorian gray & osama ben laden
to shame with his terrorizing acts of self-interest,
greedy, mercenary, egotistic, sadistic cruelty. But poor mistreated & misunderstood trumpy baby...
Why all caps? All that yelling will transmit too many water droplets. Just vote for Joe Biden and hope for the best.
i stole it and I thought the yelling was appropriate lol
@whiskywoman jk