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POLL ‎The Bill Press Pod: Teachers Union Pres. Randi Weingarten on What Happens this Fall on Apple Podcasts

I'm not a parent and don't really like kids so will no longer pretend concern for "education." USoA no longer has any future, thanks to that climate change hoax, and "Southern heroes" prove we've not educated anyone to even know what a traitor is. F*ck the statues. Tear down the schools and make Teachers simple Day Care Workers in religious indoctrination centers. Teachers are largely accepting of religion so most will get over it. Those who don't will probably be incarcerated or killed. I think most old people will be employed until death, at some easy to manage job, and SS will be a thing of the past. FDR statuary will be destroyed and that, as we say, will be the end of that. All will hail the Oligarch King, DJT.

I think self-education is far better than institutional education

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rainmanjr 8 July 7

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