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Months and months ago i was watching this documentary about this little blond 5 or 6 year old minister he was real famous back in the the 50s or 60s as he became a man he stop believing because he knew how toxic religion was. and one scene in the documentary he said his mother used to smuther him with a pillow until he got all the preatching right because she didnt want him messing up on stage. what a twisted bitch suffocating her son with a pillow😡

TimothySkaggs 6 July 9

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Sounds like "Marjoe" with Marjoe Gortner who let the film makers see what a scam he was operating. He later went on to do movies like "Star Crash" and other low budget features.


The image you mentioned bothered me enough that I decided to see if I could find it on the net. I found a similar story on Wikipedia about Marjoe Gortner.
The story is flighty even by Wikipedia standards [] but the images are disturbing.
The article said he talked about 'mock-drowning episodes'. 'They did not beat him as they did not want to leave bruises that might be noticed during his many public appearances.'

Also from the article -- 'By the time he was sixteen, his family had amassed what he later estimated to be three million dollars. Shortly after Gortner's sixteenth birthday, his father absconded with the money'.

Assuming there is any truth at all to Gortner's story, I'm once again shocked by how low people can sink. It's hard to consider them people at all.


Teaching religion at all to children is a form of abuse. If religion was a thing only licensed for consenting adults, I would not have such a problem with it. But then if it were only licensed for adults, there probably would not be much of it, you have to get their brains while they are soft and easy to manipulate.

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