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Hygiene is Overrated [] A previous discussion I had with a member left me feeling silly. I knew I heard about the downsides of washing too much but could not find the source. The “Atlantic Monthly” just came to the rescue. Remember, every one of us has beneficial mites on their skin so try not to wash them away.
BTW Ther original article stated "Hygiene is Overrated." Not "You're Showering too Much."

JackPedigo 9 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't know what to make of this. It's so easy for an old man like me to be mistaken for a bum.


Interesting article. I use products that are paraben free.

That's a new term for me. Will you explain, please?

@JackPedigo . . . I needed to look-it-up :


@FearlessFly Thank you for the link. It seems another form of anti-microbiotics which I avoid like the plague.

@JackPedigo, @FearlessFly WOW! Thanks for the link. The list of manufacturers is very helpful and I already use some of them. There is a woman here in Ellensburg that makes great products for the chemically sensitive and people with allergies.

@silverotter11 Thank you for the information on parabens. Now I know what to look for (if I remember). Years ago there was some news on coconut oil and how this replacement of trans fats is causing the forests in Indonesia to be decimated. A list came out of products that use coconut oils and many had the oil hidden deep within it's listing. Same foe high fructose corn syrup. In some the name simply got changed so people wouldn't know.

@JackPedigo They're tricky that way. Since going gluten free I read the bejesus outta lables.

@silverotter11 Welcome to the club. Maybe we should form a GF sect of the pastafarians.

@JackPedigo That is just too funny!! Would that be like the Lutherans vs the Catholics?
🙂 🙂 🙂

@silverotter11 I don't think there is competition, yet. Right now it can be difficult to get good GF breads. I have found that cakes, cookies ar anything that uses Baking Soda for leavening works almost as good with GF flours as with regular.


Anything, in excess, can become toxic. Not disagreeing with the content at all, but also not sure that this is the best time to discuss it -when we're still trying to convince people to wash their damn hands in the middle of a global pandemic. Bathe as little as you feel you need to (your body will let you know if you're pushing it) but antimicrobial soap is always the best choice for hands.

I agree with everything but the anti-microbial part. Most recommendations I have seen discourage people from using this (I absolutely do not). So much anti-microbiotic things in the world are compromising our immune system almost to the point we can't live without them. Also, we are dealing with a virus not bacteria.

@JackPedigo I'm referencing hand hygiene only, and yes, I realize the Coronavirus is a virus. Lol But many other pathogens are bacterial and proper hand washing is the best thing anyone can do to minimize their risk of picking up someone else's, or something's, nasty microbes.

@Amzungu Still, it keeps our bodies from maintaining it's own natural defense system. It has been shown to be very harmful for people's health and is just a commercial ploy. I will have nothing to do with it. []

@JackPedigo To each their own. I am aware of what's behind the stance you're taking, and to a great degree, I agree. When antibacterial products became a thing, people used antibacterial EVERYTHING, and everywhere. That is what drive the information we now have. And that most definitely will create an unhealthy microbial imbalance, thus, my point of anything in excess being toxic from the start. I firmly remain an advocate for using antibacterial hand soap (the ONLY antibacterial soap I use) due to the excess exposure your hands get to the bad bacteria indicating it's use. It's not an all or nothing, one helps one hurts approach, i can recognize the commercial ploy of pushing it overboard as well as the benefit of reducing pathogen transmission when used only on hands, and use on your hands alone is not going to create an unhealthy natural immune balance.

@Amzungu To each his own and the tendency of those who choose one type over another leads the one type to be marketed more and more. I absolutely avoid anything anti-microbial but the choices are getting fewer and fewer. Humanity often seems to go the short-term safe way with long term impacts being ignored. Long-term impacts means future generations.


I just watched this PBS Nova episode yesterday, it corroborates the benefits of microbes we 'have' :


Thank you, will have to watch. I love Nova.


Just bathe once a week whether you need to or not.

barjoe Level 9 July 10, 2020

There is some truth to that, but it can also be seasonal.

@JackPedigo That's one way to social distance.

@barjoe Depends on who's doing the bathing (or not). Not everyone or their lifestyles are the same. Although a week is stretching it.

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