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Sorry if it’s been posted, but wow...small exodus to Iceland would be planned no doubt! (Unfortunately it’s a joke: [].

But what a cool idea:


In this article Iceland declare all religions to be mental disorders and have health warnings on bibles. Talk about an alternate reality, this is fake news that makes me feel hopeful!

girlwithsmiles 8 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Thought this was appropriate for this stream


I advocate for this

I think I like the tabbed one best 🙂


I would love to live in Iceland anyway. It's a beautiful country.

barjoe Level 9 July 11, 2020

It does look it, Iovely, a bit cold, but if this was a real scenario I’d definitely be considering it 🙂

@girlwithsmiles Not that cold.

Lots of thermal springs to warm up in! 👍

I might could stand the cold because of the Springs but the lack of trees would be a real issue. My granddaughter spent 2 weeks planting trees there a couple of years ago so in about 10 years it might be a little more appealing but I might not be here .

@Lorajay Greenland is ice and Iceland is green. It's cooler than Oklahoma where you live but it the same latitude as Philadelphia where I live. It's a beautiful country and it's not inclement.

@barjoe I know it's beautiful, my granddaughter sent me great pictures. I used Icelandic air to get to the Netherlands a couple of years ago but didn't have the resources to actually see the country.

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