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How do you feel about wearing a mask? Is it an infringement on your rights or is it a way to keep those around you safer?

Namaste 7 July 13

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I will wear one if its mandatory and out doing errands. It doesnt bother me


I've had covid-19 and recovered. I always wear a mask.

I was standing in line ahead of a guy who had his mask around his chin and talked to me "I think this whole mask thing is a hoax." I answered him, saying "would it make you feel differently knowing that I've had the virus?". He put his mask right on and didn't say another word to me as long as we were in line.


It’s not a problem, I was wearing one before they were required to go in stores. People making a big deal about them not being 100% is senseless. Nothing is 100%, but something is better than nothing. You wear a seatbelt, it doesn’t guarantee you will live through an accident, but you wear it anyway.


It keeps those around me safer. This is why they are worn in operating rooms. I wore mask and gloves most days at work. They are not horrible.

Zster Level 8 July 13, 2020

Keeps everyone safer !
The ones that won't are asses !

Buddha Level 8 July 13, 2020
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