A little progress, one city at a time. (It's interesting how they managed to get a unanimous vote for this and just exactly what the "reparations" are going to be.)
Reparations have been paid by USA to Army victims of syphilis experiments and Japanese USA citizens forced into camps away from CA OR & WA ....American Atheist Governor Culbert Olsen put up a brief fight against FDR racist groundless attacks upon Japanese American patriotism thus they lost homes businesses and whatever they could not carry to the federal camps. Sulu of Star Trek spent 4 years of his young life in the camps.. Reparations can be paid to Native Americans .....Asians who were imported into the west coast for cheap labor many died building railroads dams and in unsafe workplaces......reparations can be paid in many ways..... I could be funded to learn my Cherokee language my racist assimilationist dad refused to teach me....it costs money to get online or travel to the nearest traditional Cherokee educator qualified to respect my great grandmother called a SQUAW by most of my relatives
My sister even invented a cover story lie our observent traditional great uncle John Matthews only wore eagle feathers to have sex with a real Cherokee woman....it is no shame to be an Atheist Cherokee refusing white xian religious lies but my immediate siblings and parents hid my Atheist relatives from me....dad called Atheists "rattlesnakes" like science and reality is snake venom to Pentacostals
The groundwork for Asheville solidarity was built upon Atheist Cecil Bothwell 8 years on the city council ... see what fundamental Atheism and politics can accomplish with incremental progression without pretending to be religious for community sake ?? The bullshit "judeo-xian" heritage claims left out minorities and gays with Atheists as their whipping boy when push came to shove McCarthyistically and all greedy employers silencing the lowest wage earners who replaced unpaid slaves
"Exactly what the 'reparations' are going to be." There's an enormous issue. How to make it acceptable to everyone?
@SeaGreenEyez So often, the US attempts to solve problems by just throwing money at them! This sounds more effective. I'd love to see a program of mentorship by successful business owners (of all colors) sharing strategies for start-up businesses and ongoing support. I'd love to see a program of mentorship by successful women (of all colors) on topics of business, creativity, etc.
@SeaGreenEyez (clapping loudly) YOU ARE MY HERO! THANKS FOR DOING THIS!
Thinking back on mentors I've had...it's one of the most valuable things a person can do!