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I feel tired of memes. Your thoughts?

Overuse of memes shows a lack of maturity and originality. People hide behind memes. Memes numb vulnerability.

When we are authentic in our writing, we show who we really are. This requires the courage to be vulnerable, to show our weaknesses. People love it.

"We numb vulnerability," Brene' Brown, Ph.D., explained in her groundbreaking TED Talk, The Power of Vulnerability. "We cannot selectively numb. What happens is we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness."

After interviewing thousands of couples in long-term, loving relationships, Brene' Brown's research boiled down to one thing:

They have the courage to be vulnerable.

Please write something original. Show who you are. People love it. Judgment stops when storytelling begins.

In my hiking stories, I write about feeling fear (crossing lively creeks on slippery logs, avalanche danger, terrifying knife-edge trails). Pushing myself to overcome fear. Having the courage to say "NO" when a situation feels too dangerous. Then feeling ashamed for being a weenie.

This is universal. Everyone feels fear and shame.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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Everyone does but with carpal tunnel and using a tablet memes are simpler

bobwjr Level 10 July 19, 2020


Everyone does what?

@LiterateHiker feels fear and shame


As times get darker I find more comfort in memes, probably for the numbing effect. I hate being too emotional and it's a way to express my frustrations without losing my mind.


I agree with Brene Brown it does really take lots and lots of courage to be vulnerable and I had not thought about the numb part before


Memeing the power of vulnerability is a numb idea.


Although I can see the funny side of many of them, it's not something I relate to. After all, it's not really something for my generation. I avoid using them as my sense of humour probably won't be understood if I use them.


Vulnerability doesn't work for me. I always end up getting played.


I'm don't know what you mean by, "I always end up being played."

Sounds like the walls you put up push women away.

Instead of blaming others, take responsibility for your own behavior. Look for patterns in relationships. This will give you insight.

@LiterateHiker In this case "getting played" means they know from the beginning that they're not interested but they play with my emotions anyway.


Please stop playing victim. Take responsibility for your own behavior. Stop blaming women.

Women may be initially interested in you. That's normal. Remember, with online dating:



I especially hate the unreferenced ones that are unreferenced because they aren't true. I'm with you, maybe if we ignore them they'll eventually go away.


Considering the constant attacks on speech. Cancel culture being at the forefront of late.
The boundaries that are societaly acceptable are getting futher into sillyness.
That exposed case of admistring estrogene to a kid in California. Without parental approval. Is absolutely scary.

He apparently now needs surgery to remove excess breast tissue..

As far as gimmicky memes & visually effective ways of portraying a humourous message.. I leave that to the experts.

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