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I gave in and donated to a text that I got a few weeks ago now I'm being bombarded with all kind of liberal races that need support.
Does it make sense for me to just donate to the Lincoln Project and let them figure out where the help is needed?
I definitely want MM defeated besides the obvious presidential choice.

dannydreamer 5 July 20

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I hate that ... so usually donate directly to ‘the candidate’s action committee.’ It’s become so common to ‘sell your name,’ they likely make as much selling contact info as they receive from the donations themselves. That stinks!

I’m not planning on helping ‘the Lincoln Project,’ as, from what I’ve read, they’re basically disgruntled republicans… Though more like ‘the republican’ I once was, let them squeeze it from their industrial backers..

I’d suggest mailing checks, as mentioned, to individual campaigns, giving them as little info on yourself as possible. Black out your phone number on your check, or send a note requesting they not sell your info. Good for you for giving, though ... perhaps dealing with the aftermath is now an additional cost 😕

Varn Level 8 July 21, 2020

It's great they hate Trump and are fracturing the Republican party, but they are still Republicans. I'd rather not give at all.


Perhaps donate to something worthwhile like a humanitarian cause rather than politics! They have access to plenty of money!


Correct. Do not ever donate to political parties. Once to sign on to their mailing lists, you can never sign off.

People donated to predictably wrong horses in 2020 like Buttigieg, Harris, Gabbard, Bernie, Klobuchar, Yang, Delaney, Bennett. Each of them was a not predicted to win from early on. Biden was predicted to lose but the Southern black democrats revived his South Carolina primary. I think money on him will still be useless. The only worthy candidate in my opinion in 2020 was Elizabeth Warren. Although her support among black was always weak, she would have been a formidable candidate and much better one against Trump. The only candidate whose loss was written all over his face from the start was Bernie - the non starter.

Trump has already lost.
But I'm voting anyway.


Giving financial support to democrats is bad enough. Please do not give your hard earned money to republicans.


The Lincoln Project are Repubicans so donations to them will go to conservative causes.

Yes, the badgering will be especially bad until November but it's not uncommon for donor lists to be shared between similar groups. I guess you'll have to unsubscribe from any of them you don't want to hear from.

Thank you for donating to a very worthy cause.


Use an alternate email address. If you don't have one, create one.

barjoe Level 9 July 20, 2020

EXACTLY! I have an email address on Yahoo and only use it for occasions like yours....a one-time thing where I know it'll generate who-knows-how-much SPAM!

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