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Women and atheism

I do not mean to start an argument about the war of the sexes. One thing I believe about Christianity is that it puts women in their place as Housewives and mothers. Because religion,in its traditional form, has such an impact on women do you find/think that it's more difficult to be an atheist /agnostic freethinker and be female.

Kojaksmom 8 Nov 25

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I think it's probably more difficult, at least within the typical hetero relationship, since there's more cultural pressure on women to somewhat submit to their husband's viewpoint, and also in general to be non-confrontational and pleasant, ornamental. There's less respect shown overall for the judgement of women, they are given fewer leadership positions, etc. I think this is a tragedy. Women tend to be more intuitive and have more emotional fluency, which is exactly what grants them good judgement and a greater ability to arrive at atheism/agnosticism on their own. I've seen a couple stories on this site of women getting rejected by their male partners who found Jesus, but I suspect it's much more rare this happens the other way around.

There is more pressure for women to conform. Even in this day, women are expected to be "obedient". fortunately ,many of us don't care.


IF you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes. If you're a woman in any religion that I am aware of - christianity, islam - you're fucked as a woman. When you've got nothing else to lose anyway, why not be who you are?


As a woman myself, I don't find it hard. I mean, I've no idea how to have a nonreligious wedding, but... I'll figure it out. But, despite not being religious, I do think religion does have an influence of, in your words "putting women in their place as Housewives and mothers", but I honestly wouldn't mind being a housewife or mother; simply for the fact that I enjoy taking care of the people I love and its really the only thing I'm good at is taking care of kids and making a man happy. But, I ALWAYS encourage women to do what they want. If they want to work and be ceo, girl do it! More power to you and I wish I had as much ambition as you!
Anyways, I haven't had any problems with being nonreligious and female, other than the wedding thing of course.


I agree with your comments. You sound cool & straight forward. I love people who speak their mind & true this belief system who does not mind intellectual challenges. I once been to your state thanks to the Army Nurse Corps, and ended as an Air Force RN deployed as far way as Germany & the Far East! I love traveling an interacting with different cultures. Lee Everett Scott []


Also, for so much of history, church/religion was the only source of social support for women. Since women weren’t in the workplace, their only way to meet and connect with others was through religious circles.
My local atheist group is definitely heavily white and male.


Religion. Man-made. By men. For men. Women are treated as second-class citizens in all religions, even buddhism. In fact in some religions they're treated as livestock. And breathe.

It is true. In all religions women were created to be the slaves of men. While things have improved for women, we really have not come that long of a way. Society does set ridiculously high standards for the Behavior women.


No. I find it far easier. There are still challenges, but so far they are less than the challenges I faced in Christianity. It may also be in my perspective. I’m older, nearly 50, and I already know there will be people in my path who can’t handle the fact that I’m a woman and a science major. I don’t expect not to run into it and I’ve faced worse than some guy getting offended because I might be as smart or smarter than him (happens at school a lot).


Did you know about the other scrolls found that said they're were women disciple. Mary was one of them. I could be wrong by stating this as a fact. It's what i read.
I don't agree with the women being second to man. I hated my dad trying to control our house when I was a child. He was an asshole. I like teamwork. My wife and i share to duties around the home. I love cooking and i clean up afterwards. She says ill do that. I say hey. Dont take away my


I think that women have been affected by many social factors, most especially patriarchy, whether it's based in religion or not. l don't think there's a simple, individual cause. I think also that many factors affect how women journey to become critical thinkers, but then also, once they become critical thinkers, 'coming out' is a completely separate matter, also affected by many factors.


A few years ago it seemed there were hardly any women atheists. Now, wow, they are everywhere. It's wonderful. I hope we have passed the tipping point, just as the gays have, where the majority of people accept us.

gearl Level 8 Nov 27, 2017

MUCH easier for me as an atheist woman. Our fundamental church treated me as a sinner (like they were somehow not?) for not remarrying immediately (the bible would have required I marry my drug addled brither in law). I have worked and raised our two kids on my own, living chastely (no dating), which is fine by secular standards, but still causes church tongues to wag.

Zster Level 8 Nov 25, 2017

I would not think so. If I were a women who is being told who and what she should be, I would rebel. It might be a hard path, but I would be motivated to follow a path of my own.


I became atheist because Islam treats women as slaves for the man, so Muslim women if they can think and have the chance to think will leave the religion in a second ,that's what I did.

Haneen Level 5 Nov 25, 2017


From reading the Bible, one may notice how women are defined by their relation e.g. a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother. Not defined by anything else, however, which does a disservice to women.


It should be easier and more logical for women to be atheists. I doubt it is easier in real life but logically it should be.....

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