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I haven't followed this guy but he had some interesting things to say.
Donna_I 8 July 21

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I wonder what he thinks of Operation Legend.

I don't know. It sounds like a half baked idea of Trump trying to say he is all in for "law and order".
In the current climate I don't think this has much of a chance of being a good thing.

@Donna_I We will see.


His premise is Trump is not stupid and/or incompetent.
Do we know this for a fact?

He's arguing that Trump's decision to allow unidentified federal agents to detain peaceful protestors is both stupid and incompetent.

@RoboGraham NOW I just disagree with him--he's NOT incompetent and stupid because he's doing it to boost his re-election chances and DOESN'T CARE about any other considerations. Whether he's right or not, we'll see.


I don't follow what you are trying to express here.

@RoboGraham Just saying he WANTS to provoke a violent reaction from the protesters so he can escalate the federal presence, which would provoke a greater reaction from the protesters, all along counting on reliable support from his syncophants on Fox News, AM Radio, the "vast right-wing conspiracy" in general, and in Congress. Thus he will further politicize it, polarize it, justify it as "law and order," hope for a boost in poll numbers, and perhaps even militarize it and declare martial law.
He knows he's going to lose the elections if they occur in a normal environment, so the more chaos he can sow the better. He might even suspend the elections, at the very least supress turnout in the cities, at the very most declare them unholdable and postphone them indefinitely.
Not sure how it would all play out, but he is such a psychpathic narcissist he will not willingly and peacefully surrender power, especially since what awaits him as an ex-president is probably years of legal prosecutions for his abuse of power and overall criminal activity.


Yes, that is his strategy but Beau's point is that it is not going to work. Repression and the trampling of people's liberty creates sympathy for those being wronged by the government and antagonism toward the administration responsible for it. What he is doing is the exact opposite of what is advised because it turns people of neutral opinion away from the authorities and bolters support for those resisting.

Do you truly believe that he will face prosecution after leaving office? Obama declined to go after Bush for war crimes, what makes you think that Biden will bother to try and hold Trump accountable for his wrong doing? They are all in the same club, they protect their own.

@RoboGraham Agreed he'll probably walk, undeservingly so, but that remains to be seen in New York.
Who knows?
Election-wise, don't underestimate the right-wing echo chamber. It's about to get REALLY nasty!


Howdy there Beau, it's the internet people again.


Love this guys thread. Former officer, trainer and very much connected to the ground.

He seems that way to me as well. I have watched a few of his videos now. Recently watch one on officer training (or lack there of) that was more than a bit disturbing.


"It's in the manual of things NOT to do".....since when does the pustule act deliberately, using advice from other leaders? I'll wait.

Agreed. I sure like that guy, but often his sarcasm is not apparent right away.

The Pustule? lol

Our current P. would take it as a challenge if he could even be bothered to read the manual.


That's Beau. He's a Civil Libertarian as opposed to someone who identifies as libertarian. He's very thoughtful guy.

barjoe Level 9 July 21, 2020
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