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LINK Things Straight Men Avoid Doing Because They're "Gay"

As a card-carrying homosexual myself, I am frequently disturbed by how many basic, everyday activities straight men avoid simply because they don't want to "look gay."

snytiger6 9 July 25

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What about gay men doing things that make them look straight?

When I was 15 one of my best friends wanted to have sex. She and I ended up doing that quite often for 3 years. She knew I was gay and I eventually started taking her to gay bars to dance and party. She did eventually marry (yes, a straight man) and has children.

Ahh, ...the things we do for friends.


I nearly laughed my ass off on 5,7, and 12.


I am very straight. But no body tells me what I should and should not do and say, because of how it looks. Everything in life is there to be sampled, the more things the better, it is all part of life's rich tapestry.

And I am confident enough not to care about superficial judgments made by shallow people. (Does that sound macho or just old to you ? LOL)


I avoid performing fellatio for fear it might seem a little gay.


I got a hacker msg on that link.. . Can you paste the article here..

. . . here is a link without all the 'tracking crapola' hth :


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