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Are there any Republican Atheists that still support Trump?

I would like a civil conversation to understand your position if you support Biden or Trump and why you think one is better then the other.

Trump VS Biden 2020

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paul1967 8 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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There can’t be any “Republicans” who are Atheists; the Republican party purged them decades ago. They’ve become disgruntled ‘Independents’ or so-called ‘Libertarians.’ Actually, from my experience, they don’t own up to anything … cept maybe disgruntled..

The clue to IDing them around here is their persistent Biden-bashing. They may have appeared to have promoted ‘Bernie,’ but mainly to disrupt Democrats. They’ll claim to ‘despise trump,’ though spend, as mentioned, the bulk of their time attacking Democrats.

They appear to be either gutless or reckless. The gutless huddle in hidden groups, while the reckless destroy their personal credibility on the open forum… I’d almost feel sorry for them, having been a registered Republican once myself, but turned into a Carter Republican when the party shown it’s true colors by promoting the first worst president of my lifetime, Ronny…

Good luck flushing them from their hiddehole, though 😉

Varn Level 8 July 26, 2020

while the reckless destroy their personal credibility on the open forum…

100% true...

There are tons of Trump supporting Republicans on this site.

@paul1967 Sure, most are hiding ..and the rest refuse to call themselves what they are..


Yes they are but like Cutie said they stay in their own group most of the time . There are also a lot of people who will not vote because they are sure that there's no difference between democrats and republicans because they want someone as progressive as Bernie. I fear for our Republic.

I do too, especially when we stop talking too each other with a civil voice.


There are a bunch. Most of them have blocked me.

barjoe Level 9 July 25, 2020

Yes but not me

bobwjr Level 10 July 25, 2020

Good question. I would also like to know if there are any conservative atheists that support Trump, and if so, on what basis?

conservative atheists have their own group.. Most of them support trump...

@Cutiebeauty All the more reason for my question.

@LovinLarge they don't speak much outside their echo chamber group...

@Cutiebeauty Hopefully your comment will draw them out, thank you.


Most of them are too cowardly to participate with the general population. Some will post something asinine occasionally and then retreat when people start challenging them on it.

@RoboGraham I don't understand why the conversation can't be civil. It must be very uncomfortable for them to be so greatly outnumbered but I would think that would be an incentive for civilized discourse. I have a relative who votes Republican who knows that I am trying to convert her before the election and we have wonderful conversations!

On the upside, 8 of them have voted in the poll and none of them are voting for Trump.


Yes there are.. I'm not one of them...

It’s funny how staunchly people on both sides see the world. I can’t imagine a mind that would even struggle with that decision, it seems so obvious that Trump is a corrupt, delusional idiot with a mob boss mentality.
I feel so strongly about my dislike of Trump that any defense of Trump makes me feel like I’m being gaslighted. I think how is it that these people are so blind to something so obvious.
I need to step back and recognize that other people process information differently. I want to know how much more they will allow and why is it worth it to them or how they rationalize Biden is worse than Trump.

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