It seems like there is a law or regulation for nearly every aspect of our lives. I would submit that that abundance stems from a desire to control others. The government uses them to justify its existence, fund itself and grow ever larger. For me two laws seem enough:
It's not a lack of regulations, it's that the government is starved for the money it needs to enforce those regulations.
The rich and corporations should be paying a lot more taxes.
I don't think it is possible for a government to be starved for money when it has unlimited access to credit. Why should anyone have to pay more taxes?
Laws are enacted to enhance civil functioning. Your laws are too simplistic and generalized to be enforceable. Environmental protection is one critical area of concern regarding deregulation.
@Fred_Snerd My intuition tells me that you have led a diverse and interesting life and there are two examples. Thank you for sharing them.
I don't think anyone really likes rules. They feel like an infringement on our liberty. I felt that way when I was young, but over time I came to accept rules because they let me know in advance what was expected of me so that I could stay out of trouble. But as you pointed out, as with everything, money has infected lawmaking to benefit the wealthy and so it will be until we get money out of politics.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. KISS - I think those two basic laws are very enforceable in a civil system.
Too many laws... Jaywalking? Littering? What? That's nitpicking to me...