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LINK Three-Quarters of Recovered Coronavirus Patients Have Heart Damage

The lingering effects of COVID-19 for those patients who recover is not something I want to experience.
I’ve heard some patience need lung transplants. This new study is another example.

Lightupmylife 7 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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It may be years before we can truly count or evaluate the final long term cost of this virus, but you may be sure that it will be huge.


This is frightening. I don't care of I come out of this pandemic broke, I don't want to get this. I have to preserve what time I have left.

barjoe Level 9 July 28, 2020

@seenoevil9620 German study said 78% of patients had permanent heart damage. It's not that bad, Did you have any better information on this matter?

@seenoevil9620 I was hoping it wasn't true.

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