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Voters are driven and herded to the candidates of their choice--that is the media's choice.[[]

An enlightening read by former Democratic Presidential candidate, Andrew Yang. His observations on the press reporting for presidential candidates.

linxminx 8 July 30

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The corporate media sure as hell were against Bernie once he seemed to have a good chance of getting the nomination. Interesting that Yang would not call out the Bernie Blackout or the bias against him in what coverage Bernie did get from the corporate media. He also didn't mention the obvious bias the media showed towards Biden to build him up after he got smoked by Bernie in the first few primaries.

@linxminx Yup, that's all true. The whole process this time around has shown that while the internet has evened the playing field somewhat between establishment candidates and radical candidates, the corporate media is still the dominant force in choosing who most American voters are exposed to and who they will vote for. And I doubt that will change much in the next two prez cycles.

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