19 4

Hello again, I am 101 points from level 8!!!!!!

PondartIncbendog 8 Aug 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I've been at 7.8 for about 30 years


Points, Points Points. Best wishes, hows the other rotten business going/ Don't wear the T-shirt to court.

Its going away.

Several times, for my company I had to go to court for technical witness. I was shocked to see how people dressed. I always wear a dress shirt and tie. But these same people are probably the type who go to a wedding in jeans and never take their hat off.


So, when do I get shorts?. I'm tired of commando style.

@altschmerz Well that's not an answer. I'm getting chapped!


Ate yet?

Yeah you are! Woohoo! Your welcome 💘💔

Done deal! Thanks everybody!

@PondartIncbendog I want half that T-shirt! 😂😜😋😊

@Cutiebeauty You can have the bottom half.

@Cutiebeauty I get the feeling you've played this game before. 😉

@Amzungu yes I have.. I should have 11 T-shirts now ☺😜

@Cutiebeauty That's only five and a half after you sew them together.


Oke-doke, here they are. And here's a picture for more points.


12 point..

Done deal! Thanks everybody!


Reply a few times and you got it..


24 points to go!


Points points points..




Lol, I don't read very well either I thought it you needed 10 points instead of a 101.

101 ! Like Dalmatians !!


Evidently I don't count very well so I'm going to try one more time.


Maybe just maybe this will actually do it.


And emojis . Hold on .

Done deal! Thanks everybody!


I think this will help get you there as well.


La la la , 🎼🎹🎻🥁🎼🎹🎹, I have nothing to say but here are points anyways 🎹🎼🎹🎺🎸

Done deal! Thanks everybody!


Well done!

Done deal!


Soon you'll be wearing your HIGHLY COVETED t-shirt! Don't be in a hurry to reach takes a very long time.

Didn't anyone tell you that, upon reaching 8, you're to throw a champagne/lobster party for all the other 8s? 🙂

Don’t forget the foot spa !

@Pralina1 RIGHT! Thanks for the reminder! It'll have to be a virtual party, of course...but we can all supply our addresses for the champagne/lobster shipments. And certificates for the foot spas.

@LucyLoohoo I love the ways u thinking 🙌🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️😂😂😂

Sure. It came today and the party is tonight! Ya all are invited. Free lobster and wine and hundred dollar bills!

@Pralina1 How about just a foot?

@Pralina1, @LucyLoohoo I just sent one used sock. You can't have my foot.

@PondartIncbendog How about a paw, instead?


Go go go !!!

Done deal! Thanks everybody!

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