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162 million Americans do not have high speed internet. A vital infrastructure project for a new administration.

Many other countries have better broad band service than America. Another example of America's lagging leadership. We pay more then most other countries for Internet access. Another example of the failure of capitalism.

What other example can you think of where America is no longer a leader?

Lorajay 9 Aug 2

Enjoy being online again!

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We are going downhill like an avalanche at this point! Affordable medical care, affordable higher education, education in general, food distribution, water quality in our cities, support of small farms, climate controls. Just to name a few.


The only thing we lead the world in is the power of our military, and the money we spend on needless wars, like to the tune of $100 million a day in the Middle East with no end game. Think what good could be done with that money.


Most American rely on their phones LTE and public WiFi for their access. Many capitalist countries provide low cost internet. The problem in the States is corruption in government. Lobbyists for the intended providers, and every other industry, basically buying Congress from both parties. Trump has taken corruption to a new level. Net neutrality is dead in US. Same with pharmaceutical industry and drug prices. And with mobile phone service and cable TV in US.

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