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Question on Social Darwinism

What are your thoughts on the impact of Herbert Spencer's work on the theory of evolution?

Hages 7 Aug 2

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Not many, I don't usually bother with such silliness.

PS. There is no such thing as Dawinism, social or otherwise. C. Darwin was a man who wrote about a thing called the, 'theory of evolution by natural selection', that is all. He was never a founder of any political or religious movement. When people are trying to sell rubbish, one of the ways they try to do it, is by borrowing fake authority from respected figures, usually dead ones who can not therefore argue, when you see that happening, it is one of the ways you spot s##t.


Social Darwinism is the laws of natural selection, survival of the fittest applies to social situations. The pecking order. When we become more civilized and tolerant, intelligence plays just as big a role as survivalist skills.

Partially correct, it is a misapplication of an evolutionary principle used to justify predatory capitalism. See below.

@t1nick It can be attributed to whoever the beholder deems to be the group they want to vilify.


Its still a misapplication of the principle they thought justified their ruthlessness.

Its still a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation of Darwinian Principles. I teach evolution at the high school and college level.

@t1nick Social Darwinism became a tool of Eugenicists. Whatever its original premise it got hijacked by the extreme right wing.


exactly. But its still used incorrectly. Imagine that, conservatives- improper usage. Hmmm go figure. Lol

@t1nick There's a big difference between conservatives and the alt-right. Some people think I'm conservative and in some ways I am. This is a good historical piece you might entertain. []


The old Conservatism is dead, replaced by trump conservatives. I respected the old Conservative. Didn't always agree, but respected.

The new trump Republicans lack empathy for any one who isn't rich and white. They've abandoned their fiscal conservatism (they invoke when its suits their rhetoric, but by and large have abandoned ot).

@t1nick When someone constantly talks about globalism, they are taken in by the alt-right or are targeting their audience to the alt-right. Many Republican support Trump because he's from their party and they want to stay in power. If there was a Democrat president who was a corrupt and ruthless politician. Somewhat liberal political strongman many Trump haters would support that person. Trump's solid base is the alt-right and yes they try to pose as mainstream conservatives.


Remember trump was a Democrat long before he was a Republican. He is an opportunist. He is no more a Democrat than the sky is green.

Just six years ago in interviews, before he decided to become a candidate, he espoused policies 180 degrees from where he stands now.


Social Darwinism arose at the end of the Nineteenth Century and first part of the Twentieth Century. It became popular in response to the "Robbet Barons" and "Titans of Industry" at this time. It came out of a misunderstanding of the principles of Darwinian Evolution.

The proponents (the rich and tuthless) used the borrowed Darwinian term, "Survival of the Fittest". It was used to justify predatory Capitalism. Aggressive takeovers, monopolies and the destruction of competition. Those that could achieve these behaviors were considered the "fittest". Therefore, by their reasoning they deserved their spoils and their behavior.

Unfortunately, they completely misconstrued Darwin. Darwin emphasis focus was on an organisms "fitness" and compatibility with its environment. A species ability to adapt with changing environmental stressors with emphasis on long term survival. Predatory Capitalism eats itself and is essentially "unfit" for its business environment, as it is short term emphasis of get all you can. even if it destroys the industry it operates within.

We are in a repeat of that misspplication and pattern of Capitalism. Trump is the epitome of the Predatory Capitalist and Robber Baron. He is "unfit" for the economics of the time.

Well said.



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