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LINK Fox's Jeanine Pirro: “I don't want a vaccine” for coronavirus | Media Matters for America

Pirro: “And by the way, I'm older, and I probably should be one of the people to be vaccinated. But I won't. I'm not going to allow them to do that to me.”

What kind of messed up logic is that? I suspect she is buying into the anti-vaxer conspiracies.

snytiger6 9 Aug 4

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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'Untested' in what way? Vaccines are much more heavily tested than what farmers spray on your food or that the fossil fuel industry pumps into the air you breathe.


i don't give a fuck about any vaccination deniers


Bye, now!


No one is forcing her to get the shot.


Does anyone here have enough medical knowledge to tell me whether this vaccine, if developed, is likely to be a "live" vaccine? I'm very curious.

Well, they are experimenting with different ones, including one that only uses a building block of the virus. So, we don't know which one will come out first and be accepted for one's country. China already has one that they are using on select military units.

@Beowulfsfriend considering that vaccines Are MADE USING deactivated parts of the virus...


What is the conspiracy? Do you read the ingredient list before you buy food at the grocery store? The last vaccine shot you got, did you ask to see the ingredient list beforehand so you knew everything you were putting into your body?

Many conspiracies. Probably the tow best known is the debunked claim that vaccines cause autism, and the other is that Bill Gates wants everyone to be injected with microchips and supposedly they are doing it via vaccines. There are many variations of just those two, but there are many others that are totally different.


I think you are correct. Anti-vaxers are nuts. I saw vaccines get rid of polio in my lifetime and knew a few who had it. I personally have always had vaccinations.


Is this an extension - the next nonsensical step - of the anti-maskers? It makes no more sense than those who seem to believe wearing a mask infringes on their freedom. Never mind it protects both the wearer from contracting the virus and protects those around the wearer should the wearer have become infected and not know it.


I don't understand these people. I mean, from under what freaking rock did they crawl? Do the anti vaxxer halfwits take the same position on all vaccines (polio, measles, small pox, mumps, whooping cough, diphtheria, hepatitis, etc.)? All vaccines are 'equal?' Or is it the form that a vaccine is administered? Do they view oral vaccines any differently than injections?

Do they all have pets that have never been given rabies, distemper or feline lukemia vaccinations? And what about antidotes or antitoxins? Do the anti vaxxers refuse a tetanus shot, even after puncturing their foot on a rusty nail? Would they forgo the battery of rabies shots after being bitten by a rabid dog?

Upon what basis does this misguided group form its opinion on vaccinations and why are they even given a platform? If I believed in hell, there would be a special place in it for people who, by their refusal to vaccinate themselves or their children, willfully and selfishly endangered the lives of those around them who had no choice in the matter--a place where they would all contract the very diseases for which a vaccine was available.

Such people either have no brains or refuse to use what little brains they possess.

They're conspiracy theorists. A lady I work with won't take the vaccine. And she literally said to me, that the vaccine was useless. The reason they're pushing it, is because Bill Gates and George Soros. Want to implant microchips in everyone. Yeah, she's a real dumbass. Also things Alex Jones is legit and that Sandy Hook was a hoax as well. Which shows her level of intellect.

@DaneintheUS Dumbass is as dumbass does.


Natural selection. BYE, idiots!


It does not matter about her!

This whole Coronavirus Covin19 Pandemic does not add up in so many ways!!

Who can you trust???

Seems you are taken a chance either way being vaccinated or not!

There are just too too many variables that are not known to make any type of reasonable conclusion!!!

For every medical study and/or scientific study it is just not known who is actually doing the proper types of studies which are not tainted by the greed of the wealthy and the pharmaceutical corporations!

Look up the 1986 vaccine immunity law, then ask yourself what is it really safe and can you trust them to tell the truth???

H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

For those too lazy to read the whole law:

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act


I’m only a few months away from being a doctor and I’ve never been vaccinated. Don’t plan to. The flu vaccine came out in the 1940’s if I remember correctly, and we still have the flu. It’s a feel good maker. Tough to eliminate virus.

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