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I don't think we should get all offended when someone challenges our intelligence. We should encourage that challenge. Hear what they have to say. You might learn something, or they may be full of shit. Either way you won't know if you get all but hurt an not listen to your Challenger.

lem31167 5 Nov 25

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I can't think of anyone who has challenged my intelligence, but they are often unable to understand my beliefs, especially regarding politics and religion. We can't have a decent discussion because they get defensive right away, and either seem to imply that I'm an idiot or try to convert me. It's too big a task to try to convert someone, I'm just trying to understand them.

Madge Level 2 Nov 25, 2017

I welcome an intellectual challenge. Not from like minded people, unless we agree to disagree. Then we can discuss our different views to see where we stand. But religious people, for the most part, can't do this. They will toss out scriptures, having no personal opinion. No sense of self. I find it sad they will never have a real life, or truly know an love themselves because of their dogmatic beliefs


That's how to avoid dogma. True science welcomes challenges. That's the whole premise of it. If we refuse to allow debate, we're no different from a religious zealot. My take on it anyhow. We grow though self and mutual questioning. I even squirm at some of the things my younger self was so sure of at the time. It keeps our hearts humble and minds open to be challenged.

Bebel Level 4 Nov 25, 2017

We all need to have our thoughts and beliefs challenged. It helps us to strengthen and improve them , to improve and clarify our reasoning. We should all relish a good, friendly challenge.


I agree it won't hurt a thing to listen to another person's point of view at least for a little while.


Hell, I challenge my own intelligence every day. I'm with silvereyes with the idea that people that don't accept challenge stagnate.

gearl Level 8 Nov 25, 2017
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