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LINK Christian Activist: Country Music Contains Magic ‘Spells’ That Change Human DNA | Michael Stone

I put this the "Silly, Random & Fun" category, because it is just... well, silly

snytiger6 9 Aug 8

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I think I have a magic spell coming up,,,,,,,,,,urp,,,,,,nope, its a hair ball.


I concur with her on the evils of Country Music...but their evil is purely on grounds of offending good musical taste and an assault on the eardrums in my opinion! There seems to be no end to the idiotic utterings from these US Christian “activists” with their pseudosciencific mumbo-jumbo and obsession with conspiracy theories. At least this one is not actually a practicing medical doctor, unlike the other one we heard about yesterday!


This article reminds me that some people need a conspiracy to get attention and feel important. Unfortunately too many people need to be part of a movement so they jump on the crazy bandwagon.

Can I be crazzzzy too? Please? Flat earth, UFO's , Bigfoot, reptilian overlords,,,,,,,,,,,,,I want it all!


Let her listen to this. 🙂

Bloody excellent! Good find.

@Paul_Clamberer Credit to @marionville of the world music group, who posted one of their songs. Excellent indeed, I would love to see them live. The closest I've come was having the pleasure of seeing Faun in Eugene, OR, in 2010.

They need to sack their sound man, the recording levels were way out and the amount of blare makes it almost intolerable


If I wasn't at work, I would laugh my ass off.

Oh do it anyway!


I guess DNA is their new concern along with demonic spirits, souls, and angelic armies.
Simple minded F ks,


So, now Iron Maiden is ok?


Well, maybe I can find my "god frequency" with a little "Highway to Hell."


Dolly Parton of the 70s had me in a spell for double dds!


We need MORE people like this in government!


It is time for her to see that nice doctor in that nice white coat to have a chat with.


We need MORE people like this in government!


I thought it was rock and roll that contained satanic spells and secret messages. I thought they like country music because it was so, well, white.

It's not coincidental that here in Iowa whenever there is a political gathering of Repubs, they always have country music as the background or entertainment. With the Dems, at least they avoid country and usually play or have rock or folk rock that is hip, sometimes even reggae...The only music genre more white than country is classical, which I don't hate, I simply dislike it and am not interested. It doesn't bother or offend me like country.

Country music and NASCAR are the two most white and Southern institutions in the US.


You're right, very silly. The only time I hear country music is when it's in some media I'm watching.


I've always hated country music reasons for cultural reasons, so I don't really care what it does or doesn't do to its fans and listeners. I just want to be left out of it and not have to be exposed to it. The only time I hear it is in grocery stores. I suspect if I lived in New England or the Pacific Northwest or California, I wouldn't ever hear it there.

I wish. I live in a rural area.

@PondartIncbendog It could be worse for you. I live in Iowa, you can't escape it in about any grocery store and also in most restaurants.

@TomMcGiverin Oh Gawd! I have relatives in Missouri. I hate Missouri.

@PondartIncbendog I concede that MO is somewhat worse than Iowa culturally, but not much...We progressives in Iowa half jokingly refer to Iowa as North Mississippi....Speaking of MO, I visited a friend in KC last weekend and stopped in Cameron on the way back for gas and coffee. Not a single person besides me in the convenience store was wearing a mask, not even the employees, as well as a sheriff's deputy in uniform. What a bunch of yahoo idiots!

It’s worse here in Ireland....they have their own version of American Country...with local stars complete with fake twangy accents! They love it!!

@Marionville I bet they also dress up like fake drugstore cowboys with their huge belt buckles and cowboy hats..

@TomMcGiverin got that one right! 😁😂

@Marionville Yeah, country music seems to have the most strict dress code for performers of any genre, except maybe classical, where everyone is supposed to dress formally in black.


Oh she is freaking hilarious, best selling author 5 kindle books self published by Amazon Kindle over the past five years, screen writer, co scripted one Christian short film last year available on self published and distributed DVD.
But is obviously a geneticist, because she knows that country music is on an unholy frequency, because the Rothschilds and the Rockafellas changed the musical scale a few years ago to create satanic mutations.
GENIUS how did I not see it?


And these people drive and raise children and walk among us?

(The noise you hear now is from my head, banging on the desk.)


Very true. If you play the song backwards you will get all kinds of Satanic stuff. Play it backwards long enough and you might even get your dog back.

Happens when you play some of it forwards as well!

People must look for scapegoats for their is the easy target. Look at how many times Ozzy Osbourne has been sued, and won.

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