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Narcissists for lunch, anyone?

Cut those tall poppies down to size?
The beach sign says: This beach is patrolled by narcissists


Michael Leunig Cartoons at []

FrayedBear 9 Aug 11

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To cast nasturtiums upon the salmagundi would be akin to Sheridan fishing for condiments at the seaside.

Which Sheridan?

Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the one who was intimately familiar with Mrs Malaprop.


@waitingforgodo ok.Sadly I've never studied Sheridan so the "fishing for condiments at the seaside" goes over my head at a great rate of knots. Mrs M I remember from her wonderful word, left in the language, and of course her habit of malapropism. Nasturtiums I have used but never salmagundi.


Too small, can't read it and it won't enlarge.

The sign says: This beach is patrolled by narcissists

@FrayedBear Thanks.

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