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The Creator and the Critic

So well articulated about the creative process and how ideas are nurtured.

Movie composer Michael Abels said:

"For those of us who write or create anything, there’s two brains. There’s the creator and the critic. The critic is the one that tells us what clothes to put on and is this room too warm, and what are we going to have for lunch and all these judgments we need to make to function. But when you’re creating, that voice can shut down every good idea you’ve ever had.

"You have to learn to let the creative voice just do something without explanation and justification and let that bloom for a while. Only after the flower has had some water and some sun do you want to let that critical voice that you use every day have at it to say, “Well, this is the flower, but it could be so much different. It needs to be a different color, it needs to be taller, the leaves are the wrong shape.”

"But if there is no flower, your critic doesn’t get to make those judgments."

How Does a Movie Composer Write the Perfect Score?


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 13

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Fascinating interview. I never thought of movie scores like that.

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