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Watch Terrible Trump make shocking claim that if he loses it is proof the election was rigged. - WTF!!!!!! Agree/Disagree he will cheat anyway he can to win!!!!!

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 17

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He was saying the exact same thing in 2015. The only rigging going on are Republicans making it harder for minorities to vote. Closing polling stations, stopping mail in voting and creating huge lines making it difficult for working people to wait long enough to vote.


He will cheat in ways we haven't thought of. If necessary he will stage a disaster on election day. A power outage, a bombing, a dam break, a fire.


He will cheat every way he can, he already is and has been for some time.


I do not believe in reincarnations, but were I to make a case for it I could argue a pretty convincing case for Trumpus being the reincarnation of Caligula, or some one equally as power mad and with a serious case of megalomania


Agree. He's the most gratuitous, shameless fraud who ever was in the White House. He makes Nixon look a supreme statesman.

He makes Nixon look like a puppy.

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