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I've seen the question asked several time on this forum about whether or not we will ever have an atheist president. Here is the list of prominent atheist political people both worldwide and in America. I had no idea we'd ever had so many members of Congress who identified as atheist.


Lorajay 9 Aug 18

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Interestingly, by far and away the the country with the most atheists in high places is the United Kingdom, A monarchy that has an official religion (Anglican) of which the monarch is the head. It's a fascinating anomaly.


Openly non believers would have little chance of winning a national election. People found it hard to believe a Catholic (Kennedy) won, but his charisma and Nixon’s lack of it helped him get elected. I would be very surprised if a Jew could even win a nomination, despite Bernie having drawn such a large following in the primaries. Trump may be as close to an actual Atheist as we ever get, but only because he sold himself to the deluded as the second coming and promised the Evangelicals unheard of power in his administration.
I don’t believe an Atheist will ever be elected in my area of the country, that’s for sure.


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bobwjr Level 10 Aug 19, 2020

We've had atheist presidents, they just never openly admitted it. I don't know if that will ever happen. Truth be told, I doubt if Trump believes in God. Does that fact that he thinks he's God count?

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