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Interesting! From the article: IN FEBRUARY 2012, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Frank Wilczek decided to go public with a strange and, he worried, somewhat embarrassing idea. Impossible as it seemed, Wilczek had developed an apparent proof of “time crystals” — physical structures that move in a repeating pattern, like minute hands rounding clocks, without expending energy or ever winding down. Unlike clocks or any other known objects, time crystals derive their movement not from stored energy but from a break in the symmetry of time, enabling a special form of perpetual motion. []

Nunya 6 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Requires evidence. Words do not suffice.

Ok. [] The link to the paper is in the article, but I'll also list it here: []


In the arrticle is the sentence However, the dynamics and interactions between such systems have not been investigated experimentally.
Cold fusion was predicted decades ago but all attempts to produce it have failed.


Fascinating, a little dated though. They have subsequently been created, wikipedia has a nice article.

Yes, I know. I specifically included this article because it explains the process of their creation a little more in-depth. Guess I should have posted the more recent announcement of the progress being made with time crystals as well. lol 🙂

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