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LINK Death Valley: What life is like in the 'hottest place on Earth' - BBC News

I like it hot, but not THIS hot. Yuck.

"People ask me what it's like," says Mr Heser.

"The best way I describe it is you know when you're cooking something in your oven and you want to check on it, you open the door and you get that blast of hot air from the oven.... that's what it feels like."

Amzungu 8 Aug 19

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I remember going to Egypt on Vacation 28 years ago and going in the the Sahara dessert to see Abu Simbel. And it was 52 Degrees Celcius (That's 125 Farenheit) and it was literally like walking around in a FAN Oven. The Breeze that day made no difference. Just like someone turned the fan on in an oven.

Piece of Advice. Don't go to Egypt in August. That was my mistake


"But not hot enough to fry an egg.*
Actually, it would be if he had placed a glass lid on the frying pan. That's what we did in Olorgesaillie, and after half an hour had a softly cooked egg.
We also boiled eggs in the hot springs beside lake Bogoria, where water leaps 10 feet out of the ground, boiling as it does so.

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