Do certain voices make someone more attractive?
Can a voice turn you off?
High and mousy- or low and gravely?
Something sultry?
An accent perhaps?
Soft or bold?
I remember being turned off by the high pitch of a woman I dated. Everything else was great but her voice just hit a nerve. So, I ended up marrying her after about five years. My ears must have adjusted because it stopped bothering me and, eventually, I didn't even notice it.
Oh, yeah, I love hearing a good voice! It’s not particularly the accent or what’s being said as much as it’s the timbre of the voice. The tone isn’t exactly the same for each person but it draws you in none-the-less: Orson Welles had it but so did Harry Nilsson and so does Shokichi Ishida. My daughter and I are voice junkies and we’ve been known to watch certain anime just to hear voice actors Crispin Freeman, Chris Patton or Lex Lang. Heck, we’d listen to them read a phone book!
I think, though, that in real life everyone has certain tones of voice that they’re drawn to, kind of like the audial aspect of physical chemistry, so even if it's not a deal breaker, tone of voice may be a factor in whether or not we find someone sexy.
I've never really given the sound of her voice much thought.
If her voice was of one extreme or the other I'd notice.
If it was exceptionally high and screechy or she sounded like a man or something I'd be somewhat turned off, but it's still not a deal breaker.
Ooh. Great question.
I’m going to say not much. I’m racking my brain, and I don’t think I’ve ever not wanted to be with someone because of their voice.
I will admit that a sexy voice is, Lol
A high, squeaky voice in a man could be bad. I don’t think I’ve came across someone like that though.
Absolutely, voices count! I personally remember voices for decades, I have moved around ALOT and there have been a couple times when I didn't recognize a face after years, but a spoken word or two and I've known who it was. I also have fallen in love, literally, with the way a man( my ex husband to be exact) said my name, with his particular accent. I'm a bit cerebral, I always fall for what and how a man expressed himself as, looks are secondary. What they say, and how they say it, matters.
Yes and yes. No spoon feeding required. I like all sorts of accents, not so much American ones. Accents or lack of accents doesn't play a major role though. I have heard some voices that I couldn't learn to love. Voices are probably similar to looks. They're inviting or not (personal preference).
I've only ever once been attracted more because of a voice. She had a very peculiar accent i've never heard before or since and i loved it. She was 6'1" too! Super cute, basketball player. But.... waaaaaay too christian for me. (I mean, i did meet her in church)
On the other hand, i've been very turned off by a voice. Higher pitched, over enthusiastic, reeking of thoughtlessness, yeah, super turn off.
Sultry, for sure, soft yet confident. Mature sophistication, elegance, not little-girl or bimbo talk. Accents don't do much for me.
Oh, accent is different, i think... maybe... i'm totally into french and russian accents, but i'd prefer english as a first language just for communication's sake
Oh yes. Maybe not so much as a turn off, but a certain voice type or character can be downright seductive... I tend to be drawn to a low rumbling growl at moments of intense attraction.
I'll work on it.
Not much. I do find myself a little put off by the high and mousy, but not enough to affect a relationship. I look at us as biological entities that can't help what we have inherited from the gene pool and what we picked up from our culture. So, as I said about appearance, it makes no difference to me as long as they are good people in their dealings with others.
Yes ,a perfect example is when I may hear a females voice on the radio and as a man I sometimes am attracted to her voice and form an opinion of what she may actually look like .On the other hand certain voices can be so irritating to me such as Hillary Clinton and Rush Limbaugh’s voice which I despise .Woman with French or English accents can be very sexy
some voices are really sexy and others are painful
Some time ago I was in a department store. The woman behind the counter had black hair and she was from South Africa,ie. British style accent. She talked me into joining their awards club and open a charge account, which I am usually able to resist!!!
I am discovering the voice without the real person can make a big difference. I can see a picture of someone and mentally assume a voice. Then when I hear that voice over the phone it can make or break my feelings. I often tape the proceedings of a board meeting but hate to listen to my own voice (which is why I don't speak much at these meetings). Others have told me also dislike hearing their own voices (that sometimes goes for pictures too). That being said I have been told I have a nice voice. I have also discovered when you are close to someone and they have an accent you tend to favor that accent in others.
My friends does not allow me to sing. :/
They say my voice is irtitating
i know my mediocre looking (male) friend who had a deep gravely voice had lots of god looking girlfriends way better looking then him, but he had the bonus of being charismatic as well. i think a good voice can affect your confidence and therefore your parter prospects, almost as much as looks.
Most of us sound different when we speak than what we hear when what we said is played back. I've met folks that don't have good speaking voices but I can listen to them all day. Some voices are irritating but I think the thought is much more important than tone of voice.