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I have no need to convert people to the same way of thinking as me. It would be a waste of time anyway. People do not change their beliefs easily. Am I trying to convert people now?
Religious people like to convert people because the more people that believe the less doubts they have about their religious beleifs.

kwiklika 3 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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It's not about making people believe what you do rather than to get them to ask questions about their belief.

If they ask enough questions, they usually learn that it doesn't make sense and become atheist. You don't convert them, just give them tools to convert themselves.

Mr_Dj Level 5 Nov 26, 2017

I don't proselytize but I do stand up for what I believe is right. If asked, I do explain what I think is correct and why and I ask why they believe what they do. I normally never start the questioning process. If what they believe doesn't affect others detrimentally, I couldn't give a rat's ass what they believe.

gearl Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

he tightly knit group within a congregation use others to constantly reinforce the :true believer" adherence to the dogma. On one hand, the belonging attracts people and group dynamics holds them.

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