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Does anyone really care that there is no afterlife?

I lost both my parents. I sure as hell don't want to see them again, nor my stepfather too.

How many believe there is an afterlife or want to see their folks again?

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Hermbro 4 Aug 22

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When I was 24 and my one-day-old baby died, people kept reassuring me that I would meet him again in heaven. Even though I was religious at that time, I still couldn't figure out how that would work since it would be decades upon decades until we would "meet" again and he had been only one day old - not old enough to even form any kind of impression, much less a memory. As I lost other people over the years, it never made any more sense to me. I have since come to rest upon the premise that we are biological creatures on the earth, as are ants, plants, elephants, fish, every living creature. Every living creature dies. That's it. It does not scare me, why should it? My time will be done. I'm 68 now. I'm not saying I want to rush anything. On the contrary, I love my life and want to eke out as much of it as I can. But when I'm gone, I'll be gone, as will my beloved , pets, and billions of strangers I'll never meet. I'm okay with that.


Don'y worry. They cannot look for you.


One of the best quotes from one of my favorite movies is simple and easy to apply to everything I face. 'It don't make a fuck to Jesus.'


Don’t care cause I can’t


No I don't believe there is. It doesn't matter whether there is or isn't. We'll find out one way or the other. It sure sounds like a fairytale to me.


There may be, there may not be. It doesn’t matter, you can’t change it so get on with what’s in front of you now!


“Afterlife” is a contradiction. After life is death. There is no choice.

The concept is beyond ridiculous.. But I suspect it’s been held up as ‘a reward’ for accepting the ‘hell’ others have no qualms inflicting on us while alive..

Sorry your parents made your life a hell, it happens. Mine had, and have their problems and limitations, but have grown over my lifetime. Had they not, I’d no longer communicate with them.

Varn Level 8 Aug 22, 2020
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