Not that Hell scares me, but I really need to know what I can say to defend myself against these hateful, brainwashed people that if I don't believe like them, something bad is going to happen after I die. I won't follow their belief because I just don't believe it and their God is too damn petty for me and to even give it the time of the day. This is the only life I get as far as I know and it won't be wasted on a man made God, let alone a God who says the Jews are his chosen people.
Throw this quote from their own holy book right back at them:
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
Then ask them if they'd like to be roommates in hell and walk away.
Say "whatever" and walk away. You are not required to be the Jackass Whisperer.
I tell them it's o.k. with me as I will know more people there.
Haha! Yeah, that will throw them off kilter..
When ever I would move to a new place the JW's would eventually show up knocking on my door.
They never came back after I would tell them;
"The dark lord will punish me if he found out I was talking to you"
It worked every time...
Tell them that hell is only for those who actually believe in hell. But really it's only a lie pushed by those wishing to control you.
I tell them maybe they should practice forgiveness and love instead like that Jesus guy talked about.
Tell them (sarcastically) they are doing an excellent job of displaying the loving demeanor that Christ demanded of his followers, and thank them for being walking examples of the hypocrisy he preached against.
Well you could say you don't belive in the tooth fairy,Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny either,its about the same level. Or how about quoting some of their own scrpiture right back at them as in who gave them the rioght to judge what deserves to go tp hell for...
"When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
John 8.7
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged."
Matthew 7.1
Tell them you'll save a seat for them and walk away laughing.
Most of the religious people I have met have been a bunch of sneaky, two-faced, conniving, back-stabbers who are all going to heaven. I don't want to meet any of them again, so I think that going to hell would be a pleasure, at least I will be able to ride around on a Harley !!
Agreed. Riding a Harley would be hell.......
The last time I was told I would go to hell I told them that they would suffer forever in Tarturus for forsaking Zues and the Olympians
Take your two index fingers and place them on the top of your forehead in the manner of horns, stick your tongue out like Gene Simmons from Kiss and make demonic hissing sounds like a demonicly possessed cat.
say something like, "I would rather burn in hell the worship an entity that would subject billions of people to eternal torture for not worshipping them, if your religion is real, i will be a soldier on the front line of hells army in the fight for freedom. "