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The hypocritical, selective stances of sports players are driving many of their fans away from their games.


Jetty 7 Aug 28

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No they are respected for the stance

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 28, 2020

What's hypocritical or selective about their stance? Murder shouldn't be protested?


Opinion piece with no supporting evidence.

@Druvius You are smarter than the average bear, and then some.

@Jetty The validity of his opinion is limited to the veracity of the facts upon which it is based, but he failed to reference any supporting evidence.


Truth be told, the white racists who are appalled by athletes taking a stand. Probably hate NBA, a prominently black sport. Who really stopped watching football because of Kaepernick? Lots of people said they would but their ass was sitting on the couch every Sunday watching NFL football.

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