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LINK The Birds and The Bees - Birds and the Bees

"Taking flight for all living things.

The Birds and The Bees PSA was created by concerned citizens as an act of free speech, and is not financially supported by any non-profit or political organization."

AnonySchmoose 8 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I love this so much I shared on my Facebook. Bird poop on his head would have been a nice addition though.

Well, it is real good to be appreciated. You're welcome.


The Trump administration is pro - big corporations and big agriculture. He's doing everything to end protection for our environment and wildlife. Great post!

Corporations that pay Execs tons of money are corrupt in a lot of ways, imo.


Should be all the other politicians around the world too.

Yes, I believe so too!


Excellent, most excellent.

Concise and cute.


Awesome, if only but not enough bird shit

That seems to be the general consensus of most people, lol.
There were plenty of birds.


Great piece of Animation. After the Birds dropped Trump off they should have circled back and shit on him

I was sure they would poop on him too. Maybe they didn't distract Trump with poop, so that he would be forced to see the horrible world he had created.

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