The dedication to stupidity is breathtaking to behold...
What do we do with fools like these?
Can you think of stupidity that is comparable?
Watch the documentary "Behind the curve" about flat earthers. They are the "incels" of science denial and religion seeking acceptance and uniqueness. Just fitting in with the status quo doesn't make them feel special so they have to invent something. That's why religions are constantly fragmenting with schisms. Plus they can now make bucks on social media, write books, get TV coverage, and arrange conferences.
Imagine if a group of nerds rebelled and started a cult that said 1+1 isn't 2 and pi is 4 (like I believe the French briefly did). They'd get laughed out of court, but somehow say the earth is flat or dinosaurs never existed and you get mad followers.
The only significant difference between intelligence and stupidity is that intelligence has its' limits.