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Do you think there needs to be a creator to explain the universe ?

sourceofdesire 6 Nov 26

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Yes, but we'll never understand it and don't need to.


Man's nature is to question. The problem with religion is that it purports to explain everything while showing glowing errors in logic; myth is not science. We must continue to examine our place in the universe, even though that place/time might be less than a blip in the totality of the universe; therefore, the answer is no.


No. Eventually science will discover and explain virtually everything... assumign the human race doesn't destroy itself first....



Zster Level 8 Nov 26, 2017

But then who (or what) created the creator? It's one of those questions that simply leads us into a paradox. If we're a simulation, then technically, we have a creator (or several of them). One thing is for certain, though. If there is a creator, it's completely apathetic when it comes to this little planet.


St. Thomas Aquinas applied Aristotle's Unmoved Mover Theory as his basis for explaining his beliefs regarding this matter. Put in terms pertaining to a god, only a being which is powerful enough to create itself could have had the ability to create the universe and everything in it.

The truth of the matter is, we don't really know the answer to this question, and until we can jump in a time machine and observe and study the exact moment of creation with our very own eyes, all we can do is speculate and try to connect the dots based upon residual information which we presume to be left overs from the big bang.

A time machine wouldn't work cause time would not be a thing with out the universe we couldn't be there before the universe was created only moments after that's why it's called space time I watched it on Stephen Hawking's documentary about his Theory of everything

The thing is, with a time machine we could be there a microsecond in to creation, and that would probably show us quite a lot. Enough to draw better conclusions than we are able to draw today.


No. I think we need another couple 100 years or so for the science field to figure it out. When they do I don't believe a creator will be at the beginning of it.


I don't know. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Nov 26, 2017
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