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Is drinking beer with tomato juice a regional thing?

Is drinking beer with tomato juice a regional thing? I grew up in South Dakota, where if you ask for a red beer you'd get a glass of half draught beer/half tomato juice. (Maybe some olives floating in top as a bonus) Here in Ohio when I've asked for the same, I have to explain what I want and deal with looks of stunned horror as I guide the traumatized bartender through the process. Do you like beer mixed with tj, or Clamato, or Bloody Mary mix, (and if so, what part of the country do you hail from) or is it an abomination in your eyes?

sknape 5 Apr 8

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Sounds good!


Never in my life have I heard of such atrocities

Phin Level 6 Apr 8, 2018



A beer mixed with tomato juice helps get rid of a hangover. You can drink a couple and go on about your day feeling good, or just start drinking again.


I have run into several gentlemen here in Iowa that drink beer that way or with V8.

What a waste of perfectly good beer...

@Palindromeman depends on if you define Miller, Coors, Michelob, insert name of mass produced cheep beer here... as good beer. (LOL!)


Here in the Great White North, a beer with an ounce of clamato or tomato juice is called a "Red Eye", because of the red blotch it makes when pouring it into the beer head.

What's Clamato juice you ask? Seems it's a Canadian thing: tomato juice with a hint of clam flavouring. It's used to make a "Caesar", which is a variation on a Bloody Mary, invented in 1969 by a barman in Calgary.

I was in a hotel bar in Houston, and asked for a Caesar - they had no clue what it was. It then hit me it indeed was a regional (Canadian) thing.

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I do not drink beer that way, though I've heard it's good; but, my mother used to some 30 or 40 years ago. We're from Southern California.


In FL we used to call those Red Bulls, or Swirl Pans ( at beach parties we would pour beer and tomato juice and a hoarde of hot spices into a pan and passit around).

Now we have Micheladas. Budweiser was the first that I recall to make a commercial ready to drink variant.

It may not be cold vodka and caviar, but it's a helluva lot more fun and affordable.


I don't drink anymore.

Never drank much.

Always hated beer.

quickly glances around and runs for cover

i am only reasing this for my enlightenment


I don't think so. I don't drink beer, but I remember when I was growing up in Southern California that beer and tomato juice was a common drink.

marga Level 7 Apr 8, 2018

Spicy V-8 and Budweiser....Breakfast of champions!!


I've never heard of it and will never try.


I used to live in BG, back in the 80s, on Main St.
There was a bar near my apartment, wish I could remember the name, where I'd get a red beer.
Always had mine with tomato juice. Sunday nights were usually when I went in there. I'd have
a couple, go home, sleep like a baby. Never spent more than $3. Man, those were the days.

Howard's? They moved it across the street and built the new library on the former site. It's still going strong!

@sknape It WAS Howard's!!!! I'm so glad to hear it's still open!!! It was such a hole-in-the-wall, but I liked it!

@KKGator Still going strong, live music most nights, and an eclectic mix of individuals!


Growing up in Texas and Oklahoma in the 50's and 60's it was called a red draw. Tasty way to drink beer.


Christ in a sidecar, that is one of the strangest things I've ever heard!

LMFAO @ "christ in a sidecar"!!! Never heard that one before.
I'm dyin' here!!!!

@KKGator too funny!!

@KKGator Yep, it's a Palindromeman original. Also incredibly funny, when you imagine it.


Woah, I'd have them seperately. I'm intregued now. Never heard of this in the UK or Australia 🙂

Although I will admit I love going to Adelaide (yes, someone actually likes going to Adelaide) and asking for my Coopers beer to be rolled. One of those regional affectations, but I like it.

I prefer mine unrolled, cool that you know about that though 😉

I can't imagine it in a good Aussie or British beer...pretty much needs to be a US yellow beer!

Like a Coors or Budweiser?


Sounds kinda icky to me.. but I'll try almost anything once...

Well, maybe twice - the second time to apologise.


I'm glad I read this because I thought I was a degenerate for drinking beer and Tomatojuice. Now I see I must be a degenerate for some other reason. Or, there may just be a lot of degenerates out there. Win-win either way.


Its popular in MO.


God I hope so.
And you can keep it.



I'm not a fan, but red beer is a thing in the northwest as well.




See a lot in Florida.

Budweiser & Clamato
I see them all over the Orlando area.
Tried one once, weirdly thin tomato juice.


Budweiser sold Clamato beer, and even the thought of it makes me dry heave..... (Virginia)


Don't know your region but a friend here in Oklahoma drank it all the time.


Ha I just happened to walk by the beer section

Is there Guinness Drought Extra Stout!?

@DZhukovin no clue, probably, though


And it may have already been said, but Budweiser actually produces it pre-mixed as "Chelada." Only way I'll drink Budweiser.

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