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Why don't people flee wildfires and hurricanes until it's too late?

The fire was 15 miles away, so the Oregon family went to sleep but planned to leave soon.

On Monday evening, Angela Mosso had packed a few things for the family to take with them and her husband, Chris Tofte, drove to town to borrow a friend’s trailer to carry the family, their dog and their belongings.

But as family members slept, the Beachie Creek Fire bore down, the Statesman Journal reported. Eventually, it reached their house, turning a night of calm preparation into harrowing loss.

Gov. Kate Brown said more than 40,000 Oregonians have been evacuated from their homes as two large windblown wildfires rage across the Pacific Northwest. About 500,000 people are in different levels of evacuation zones, either having been told to leave or to prepare to do so. Dozens of people are reported missing and at least six fatalities have been reported.

Thirteen-year-old Wyatt Tofte of Lyons, Oregon, and his grandmother Peggy Mosso, 71, are among them. They died trying to escape the fire that engulfed their home Tuesday morning.

The three initially escaped the house with their dog and three cats, setting out in one of the family's cars. But they didn't make it far.

Lonnie Bertalotto, Angela's brother, thinks the tires melted and the car caught fire. As the flames grew around them, Angela Mosso realized she had to save Wyatt. She told him to run for it with the dog.

She also realized that if she wanted to survive, she had no choice but to leave behind her mother, Peggy Mosso, whose remains were identified by the Marion County Sheriff's Office on Friday. She had a broken knee that was to be operated on in a few days, Bertalotto said Friday.

Angela Mosso walked nearly three miles on the hot asphalt. Sometime around 4 a.m., Chris Tofte returned with the trailer, driving through a blockade that separated him from the inferno and his family.

As Tofte struggled to navigate the dark, smoky road, he almost ran over a barefoot woman in her underwear with charred hair and a blackened mouth. Tofte helped her into his car, telling her that he was looking for his wife and son.

She told him: “I am your wife."

Once in the car, Tofte turned around and sped back toward the blockade. He left his wife of 24 years with paramedics and turned back to find his son, Wyatt.

But at that point, the fires had spread even farther. Tofte couldn't make it as far as he did the first time, so he searched for his son the next day and night.

On social media, friends and relatives posted photos of Wyatt and thousands of people shared his image.

Finally, on Wednesday, Tofte spoke with sheriff's deputies from Marion County. They said Wyatt was found behind the wheel of the family's vehicle back at the property with his dog Duke on his lap. Peggy Mosso's remains were also found in the vehicle.

“I don’t need to go into too much detail but obviously ... he turned around to go try and save his grandma,” Bertalotto told The Associated Press.

Angela Mosso is being treated at the Legacy Emanuel Hospital Burn Center in Portland. She was told Thursday that she lost her son and her mother.


LiterateHiker 9 Sep 12

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@RoyMillar, @bobwjr, @BudFrank, @Larimar, @MissKathleen, @Cyklone

On June 29, 2015, a mentally ill man deliberately lit dry grass with a BIC lighter in howling winds and 100 F temperature just north of Wenatchee, WA. The wildfire destroyed dozens of houses. The howling wind blew burning material across town, burning up a recycling company and a large packing warehouse filled with boxes of cherries ready to ship, throwing 225 people out of work. They were given jobs in other local fruit packing warehouses.

From my window, I could see the huge fire quickly advancing toward me. Good thing I have a packing list for emergencies. My mother who lived in Florida with hurricanes convinced me to keep a packing list handy. Panicked, it helped to have a list in order of priority.

Spent the night at Eastmont High School across the Columbia River. I was surrounded by traumatized people whose homes were destroyed. I got lucky. Firefighters held the line before the wildfire reached my neighborhood.

Although I have replacement insurance, my original oil paintings can't be replaced. I grabbed the most precious paintings and slid them into my car with towels between them.

I really feel for the people whose homes were destroyed. An entire neighborhood was burned up. Several of those people are my friends.


Glad you are safe! Sad to know there are still folks that refuse to see that the climate change they are causing is pushing this further and further to no return.


We've found in aussie that people don't understand how fast a fire travels. They're used to seeing normal fires and don't realise a wild fire creates it's own windstorm and can travel 80 - 100 kph (60mph). Not only that, but before that the smoke hits and it's a complete blackout. Here the message is, get out early if you're going to go. It's difficult to understand the danger without seeing it.


I read that, it's totally heart breaking. I don't get it. I was involved in floods with the river and we never let it get close. Our house flooded one time, and we got all our stuff out long before it got near that level by using the jon boat. I got stories you wouldn't believe.


So terrible. Many people don’t think it will be so bad. They have ridden out hurricanes in the past. It’s too much trouble. I didn’t hear the stories when I was at the camp fire but know there were many. I honestly don’t know. I think it’s getting out of their comfort zone and accepting help from others.


Such tragedy and loss,It is hard for me to even fathom what you people are going thru there


Incredibly sad

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 12, 2020
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