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In my own personal worldview, initiating violence is a moral crime, no matter what convoluted excuse you may come up with.

Responding to a violent attack on one's person with a violent defense is not.

Responding violently to a violent attack from a class of persons upon a class you identify with, is a convoluted excuse.

skado 9 Sep 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It sounds nice, but the reality is when peaceful means to change oppression doesn't work and it very seldom has, the oppressed are left with one option. Show me how many times in history the oppressors have given in to change at the behest of the oppressed.

It does happen but it takes longer. Suffrage for women is a good example.

I've always maintained that any movement needs different kinds of activists to ever succeed. A combination of wild and crazy plus intellectual and strategic works faster than anything else.

@Lorajay Show me in history where this happens. Women were not a minority. You have always been a majority and yet where is the equal rights for women amendment? Oh yeah it hasn't been passed. Black people have tried peaceful for 400 years. How has that worked out? Human beings pretty much suck. They always have sucked. There is nothing in the history of mankind that shows me anything different. I am sad to say I have come to accept this.

@Sticks48 The 72 year American quest for women's suffrage was marked with violence only by the establishment. Longer is the nebulous term and could mean almost forever. No I said that a combination works best.

@Lorajay Society is much different. Things move much, much faster. People don't have the patience they have had in the past. They want it and they want it now, whatever it is. Plus, for Black people 400 years is way more than enough time. I know there will most likely always be racists, but until trump I had know idea there were still as many as there are. I hope it doesn't all blow up, but part of me can see it happening.


Violence, said Seneca(?), arises from weakness.

From what does this attempt at a general rule arise?

It’s not an attempt at a rule. It’s a statement of my current personal view.


So, you won't defend yourself? Won't try to save your own life?

Read again.
“ Responding to a violent attack on one's person with a violent defense is not.”

@skado Elaborate? That's a little vague.

In my own personal worldview, using violence to defend one’s own self from violent attack is not a moral crime. It might more nearly be a crime not to.

Perceiving the destructive actions of a competitor group against a group to which I belong to be justification for initiating violence of my own... is a different matter.

Example: Somebody is physically beating me with a club - a violent response from me is, in my personal opinion, morally justified and maybe the most effective response.

But: Some group is oppressing the group I belong to - a violent act against that group’s interests, in my personal opinion, is not only not morally justified, but is unlikely to be the most effective response.

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