53 4

Does the thought of dying alone scare you?

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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All alone is all we are. While I can enjoy your company and other people's company, in the end, only I think my thoughts, feel my joy and depression, my pain and ecstasy. I might go surrounded by "loved ones." But I am still dying alone.


How could you be anything but alone? Let's say you were struck by a car - the very essense of your life is spilled out on the ground around you, and a loved one defies the fear and panic they feel to rush toward your soon to be lifeless body; they grab your hand, speak to you. You can hear their cries, feel their tears, as...

as what? Your vision fades, darkness begins to swap itself for the bright sky you saw above you, and your heart stops, having run out of anything to pump. You cannot hear or see, and only the scent of wet iron is left tingling your nose, but that too is soon gone.

So - where are you? Your mind still has activity at some level for several minutes as long as your head was undamaged, but the essense of you - of who you are - is locked away for that time. You can neither feel nor see the person who was moments ago just holding your hand. Maybe they are still there - maybe they aren't. You'll never know. As your brain slowly turns out all the lights, you are indeed in an empty room, the last occupant to close up shop.


Works the other way around for me actually. What else can I do today, to make it count before my time runs out

I didn't read your question carefully... Didn't catch the "alone" part. No, not really. Its a step in the process and there is no way around it. So even bother to worry about it?

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