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LINK Michigan Man Pleads Guilty After Threatening to Shoot Black Family at Church | Val Wilde | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

He didn't want blacks attending his church. Christianity has a very long history of racism.

snytiger6 9 Sep 25

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Lock that SOB up. He needs meds and a lot of therapy. As for his views on black people I'll bet you he would say "Trump would be OK with it."


One aspect of the Trump effect is that these racist bigots feel emboldened to crawl out from under their rocks and self-identify.


Ah. Bet his family tree is a 2x4


Without even reading it -- Trump supporter. Now I'll reads it to see if I can confirm that.


Unconfirmed but I stand by my statement.


I would be worried if I was that family. Is he going to get some kind or any counseling or medical help or is he just let out to roam and do damage?


Who appointed him to be the one-man admissions committee of his church? Probably claims God spoke to him personally on the matter... Maybe karma will play out and he'll end up with a daughter that ends up dating and marrying a black man...


Humanity has a long history of racism...

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