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LINK The ’Splainer: The YouTube shooter’s Baha’I faith - Religion News ServiceReligion News ServiceThe ’Splainer: The YouTube shooter’s Baha’I faith - Religion News Service

When news broke that an assailant had shot several people at YouTube’s San Bruno, Calif., headquarters this week, speculation abounded on social media about the alleged shooter, Nasim Aghdam — including her faith.

Some were quick to label the suspect — a prolific YouTube creator, vegan and animal-rights activist — as Muslim or Jewish. But evidence soon emerged that Aghdam, a San Diego resident, was affiliated with the Baha’I faith — a smaller tradition whose leaders confirmed that she was a registered member of the group on Wednesday (April 4), a day after the shooting. Their statement also condemned violence and expressed condolences for the victims.[]?

zblaze 7 Apr 9

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