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Is sex the most important thing to you in a relationship that includes physically intimacy?

Sincere question for informational purposes. Comments welcome.

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LovinLarge 8 Oct 5

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Sex is just a temporary act. Sex to me is not the most important thing in a relationship.


I already have lots of relationships with people and none of them are sexual. In a sexual relationship, sex would be primary. But my perspective is out of whack because sex is an unreachable aspiration for me.

Not everyone is or even desires to be sexually active. There are many things in life to understand and accomplish that are more important to the big picture than sex is. I think that is why I am so drawn to highly intelligent men, because they tend to recognize the greater spectrum comprising the signficance of life.


Love all the candid answers, and the insight ,coming from so many different angles and they all are right in the right situations, It is varied ,sex is one very important part ,but one needs all the other parts to make it work


Unless the pairing is an agreed upon sex only situation, sex is one of many key factors in an intimate relationship.


That's such a complex question. Depending on the other person and our interactions, sex can sometimes be the most important aspect. By and large it's the sails on the ship, but not the whole boat - so to speak.

TO_BY Level 7 Oct 6, 2020

A necessary very important part.

MsAl Level 8 Oct 6, 2020

If it is a monogamous would almost say it is assuming the relationship is free of actual abuse or hatefulness. It's the only part of the relationship you can't get elsewhere from other people.


A important part not the only one


Meeting Bob changed all that. Yes beforehand sex was the main ingredient. We are sexual beings and as we get older our priorities in life change. Loving and supporting each other comes first now.


Empathy is the most important.


If it were, my 50+ year marriage would have never survived.


For some people, perhaps, but not for me. Intimacy comes in various forms, including sex, but I'd place physical closeness (e.g., cuddling) and emotional intimacy at the top of my list. Granted, my most valued aspects can be part of sex, but they can also stand on their own.

Yes, I think this is a wonderful glimpse into the depth of a healthy relationship that encompasses so much more than sex, thank you. I hope @VeronicaAnn is reading these replies.


No, it's not the most important thing to me, although I don't know how to gauge any one thing as most important. But I'm a very affectionate person and one of the ways I show my love is through physical intimacy, so it's definitely a barometer for the health of the relationship.

Another helpful perspective, thank you.

Same here.


Sexual compatibility is an important factor in a relationship. Not any more or less important than other parts of the relationship.
"The whole is greater than the sum of the parts." -Aristotle-

Unity Level 8 Oct 5, 2020

Thank you, the reason your answer appeals to me is because it speaks to the equilibrium or balance that would help sustain a relationship over the long haul.


It's important. Good sex will keep a relationship going. A sexless relationship has no hope. It will end eventually.

Fair comment, thank you. Important yes, but the most important aspect of a relationship? I wouldn't criticize anyone for saying yes, but I do wonder how long those relationships last, also. And I really don't know, that's why I'm asking. I appreciate your candor.

@LovinLarge Maybe not the most important but prolly the leading cause of breakups.

Yes sex kept my last 10 year relationship together but it was abusive and unhealthy. I ended it 11 years ago. Never a relationship based on sex only again.

@sassygirl3869 Not only, but it's important.

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