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US election: Do you need Jesus to win the White House?


xenoview 8 Oct 6

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I may be wrong but I don't think there's even one US senator who is an open atheist or even agnostic.


Not necessarily.
But you DO have to believe in God.
Or at least say you do.


You need the FACADE of religion to gain any political momentum. Does anyone think it would be possible in America to REALLY break down the term agnostic and have people respond with understanding?


No you don't or Donald would not be president.


It will still probably be some time before anyone who openly announces they are an Atheist/Agnostic/Non-Believer to run for President. But......I may be wrong.


The question being asked is, Can a candidate for the White House win without the public backing of Christian churches?


What would be his platform?


Why would anybody want a 2,000 Jewish zombie to win the White House?

Have you seen what we got now?

@oldFloyd Yep, no difference in their respective mental (in)capacities.

@anglophone agreed but generally the zombies don't act like assholes all the time.


It depends on which jesus you worship. There's a shit load of them out there. Hard to pick the winning one.

Or maybe the only “Real One” as a Jehovahs Witness once said to me........Lmao

@SeaRay215ex. I don't think that one is running for office, but I could be wrong. These days you just can't tell anymore.

@MrDragon yea true!! Just look at the bum that’s there now. But I’m glad what happened to him, A relative of mine here in NY had a friend who was a contractor who got ripped off by this piece of subhuman garbage.


If a clown like Donald Trump and his merry band of Talaban freaks can win, there is no reason an Agnostic or Atheist can not win. It is only a matter of finding the person who has the means, the charisma, and the stomach to do it. As long as Agnostics and Atheists behave like sheep, they will be treated like sheep.


At this point, there are only a handful of legislators at all levels of our government that are openly atheist.
I've been waiting for a president to 'come out' after they have been elected. I am certain that many are atheist or agnostic, but it is still career suicide to out oneself in this country, sadly.

BDair Level 8 Oct 6, 2020

That may change, but will likely take, say somewhere between 10 and 20 years.


It's not going to be American until we don't need Jesus for anything, we've just been pretending this long.


Anybody but Trump.

I agree


Is He running?


Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus ostensibly stood for and has barely been to church his entire life and even he claimed to be a man of God to get the Xian vote and they gave it to him...cuz they're stupid. So, yeah, Jesus is good for your political career but you don't have to actually believe in him, just saying you do is good enough.

I don't know if that's the whole story. The correct letter after your name means a lot. Watch the mental gymnastics this preacher goes through to put the Jesus vote behind Trump and not Clinton.

@JeffMurray That is hi-larious.
Yes, the Evangelicals are truly riding into battle with the double-edged sword of hypocrisy.

@Paul4747 If you like that, you should watch more Jordan Klepper. Like this:

@JeffMurray Hold me. I'm frightened.


No, but it helps. And it would be unwise to admit nonbelief.

I disagree. If Trump and his merry band of Taliban did it, anyone with half a brain and the means to do it can. How is it that rock stars, some of the most crazy, anti-religious people on the planet, manage to get a massive backing? It is not by avoiding questions. It is by being bold. As long as Agnostics and Atheists behave like sheep, they will be treated like sheep.

@Archeus_Lore Rock bands et al do not need to approach 50 percent approval. Big difference.

If Trump and his merry band of Taliban did it . . . . do you think Agnostics and Atheists are lesser equipped than him? Put on your own chains, close your own doors, and it becomes a reality to you.

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