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France plans punishment for 'virginity tests'


xenoview 8 Oct 6

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The people performing the tests have to be at least seventy years old, the same sex as the tested, and a virgin themselves. Also the people who put these laws forward should be shot.


Just when you think religion can go no lower...


Like all cults this is about control and as the men in these cults are loosing control they want to enforce unrealistic ideals to keep women afraid and to allow their own standards. I think they need to fine the families asking for them and if a girl goes to her Dr saying she fears for her own life or expects retaliation if she is not able to produce the certificate then they need to be removed from the family and taken to a safe house to become independent of that culture. Rather than fining the Dr deal with the thoughts and help the women get free of it, treat it as child abuse or threatening behaviour depending on the age of the person.


Certain 'cultural' norms from other countries should be banned and not practicing these 'norms' should be a condition of citizenship. In Seattle a number of years ago it was reported that doctors would not perform FGM. It was suggested they do so to reduce infection rates from this being done within the families. Sick, Sick, sick.

  1. A. These backward Islamic practices were discouraged and even prohibited by socialist governments in the Muslim world.
    B. The West then used the resulting discontent by Islamic fundamentalists to recruit them as jihadists opposing the socialist governments which wanted to control their own resources.
    C. The destruction of these progressive governments by the West gave power to the fundamentalists and helped to create the regressive world we have now.
  2. In Latin America, socialist governments have permitted abortion. The US uses this as an issue to destroy those governments by funding right-wing Christian groups to attack these progressive governments.
  • The liberation of women around the world thus requires not only opposition to religion but also opposition to imperialism.

It’s horrible enough that women get mutilated
through FGM. Now these evil men demand a


Anyone administering a virginity test should be buggered.


OK, we are testing for virginity now but Susie was a horseback rider from her early teens. How does that work out?


I'm offended by the idea of virginity tests but I'm not confident in the way they are handling it. It sounds like the women are asking for these because of pressure from their families. I don't think it targets the people who really need to be stopped.


Why would they be testing for virginity in the first place? Which Islamic requirement is that?!

Mvtt Level 7 Oct 6, 2020

The holy book says that any woman not a virgin on her wedding day, is to be killed.


Thats crazy.. What virginity test is for men? Creepy double standards...

Rules don't apply to property owners, only to the property. Don't'cha know.


How about making virginity tests compilsory for all men who demand women have them?


Well, lets not treat females as people... got to get your little heifers checked out, right? You might not get the best price.

That this is even an issue in 2020 makes me want to cry. 😟

Leelu Level 7 Oct 6, 2020

I can think of nothing of less use than the distinction between virgins and non virgins.
Damn humans are weird creatures.

As has been frequently observed - one prick and it's gone.

Especially when it’s not accurate, riding a horse, or a bike can damage the hymen.

Virgins are overrated. Some to be said for experience


I volunteer to help these women in need.


Thanks and thumbs up to France for making yet another big step forward for women.


The Mohammedans won't like that.


Being a virgin is its own punishment.

It’s better than some of the options.

Getting some STD is its own punishment too then.


Sounds positive, here’s hoping other Countries follow, if it’s a thing.

Exactly! ANY time we can remove any instance of oppression is a great thing.

Maybe the rest of the EU will follow suit.

@xenoview and America and the rest of the World, apparently could do with it: []

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